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We have a system on CHR, similar to "friending" on Facebook or "connections" on LinkedIn we are calling "Colleagues." You can use "Search for an Appearance Attorney" to find colleagues in other court houses and jurisdictions. Once on their profile, under "Actions" you can click on "Add this Colleague to your list" to invite them. If you are giving and/or receiving referrals, please keep in mind your jurisdiction's rules about splitting legal fees.
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Discussion of finding appearance work, especially outside of appearance brokers or Court House Regular.
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The "nuts and bolts" of running an appearance practice, e.g. everything outside of finding appearance work.
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Working with appearance brokers, both online and off e.g. Attorneys On Demand, Local Counsel, Attorneys to Go, etc.
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Other part-time work that may be available where a legal background might be useful, e.g. securities mediation.
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Ruminations on being an Appearance Attorney. Stories about what happened in court, why you are an attorney doing appearances rather than a retired rock star contemplating a comeback, etc.
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Topics that have nothing to do with the practice of law at all, e.g. talk about drinking beer on sailboats, how you played Wesley Snipes' lawyer in "New Jack City" (True Story!), how you slept all day and made Mariah Carey famous (Another True Story!) back when you were working in NYC night clubs, etc.
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We are working on having free Continuing Legal Education ("CLE") for all of our subscribers that practice in a mandatory CLE jurisdiction. We are going to see if it is practicable. This forum is to discuss what courses you would be interested in. If you are interested in giving a CLE lecture, please let us know by using "Contact Court House Regular."
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We are also working on a website - - where consumers of legal services can search for an attorney by court house along with specialties. This website will be provided to CHR subscribers at no additional cost. Please let us know what features you would like this website to have.
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